How can I cancel the automatic renewal of DatingDirect subscription?

How can I cancel the automatic renewal of my DatingDirect subscription?

You can cancel your subscription renewal from the section, any time from 24 hours after purchase until 48 hours before your subscription runs out.

To access this section, move your mouse over your screen name in the top right-hand corner of any page of the website.

Once you are on the page, click on “Manage my subscription” under the “My subscription” heading. Make sure that you follow all steps of the cancellation process ensuring that you select "Continue" when asked.

Once you have cancelled your renewal, you will receive a confirmation email. You can still continue to enjoy your subscription until it expires, at which point you’ll no longer be able to access the paid features of the website.

We won’t take any further payments from your card unless you reactivate your renewal or have selected the instalment plan.

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