How do I cancel Zoosk subscription purchased using an Apple iPhone, iPod, iPad, or through iTunes?

How do I cancel Dating Service Zoosk subscription purchased using an Apple iPhone, iPod, iPad, or through iTunes?
If you purchased a subscription using an Apple device or iTunes, Apple requires customers to cancel subscriptions through the App Store or iTunes.
To cancel your subscription renewal on your iPhone, iPad or iPod, please follow these steps:
  1. Open Settings on your Apple device
  2. Scroll down to iTunes & App Store
  3. Tap on your Apple ID/email address
  4. Tap View Apple ID, then enter your Touch ID or password
  5. From the Account Settings page, scroll down and tap "Subscriptions"
  6. Choose your Zoosk subscription
  7. Tap "Cancel Subscription." Next, tap "Confirm" on the "Confirm Cancellation" pop up.
To cancel your subscription on a Mac or PC, please follow the instructions at the following link: Please note that after you turn off automatic renewal, the Zoosk iOS app will not reflect the cancellation until your subscription expires. If the iTunes Subscription page shows that your subscription is turned off, then your subscription will not renew.

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