How do I cancel account?

How do I cancel account?

Cancel your account immediately with our Express Online Cancellation service. Paying a small fee of just ( during trial) will push your cancellation request to the top of the queue so it is effective immediately. You will receive an email confirming the details of your cancellation shortly after. Contact our support team by phone at: 44-808-189-3382, 24h, 7 days a week or email us. Please note that email cancellation may take up to 3 business days to process...
For additional information, please call our toll-free number at Primary #: 44-808-189-3382 for US and Canadian customers and Secondary #: 1-347-983-7548 for International customers, 24h, 7 days a week.
Cancel Link:

The Sun Sound Corporation monthly premium expense is substantial for an initial period beginning on the date your paid service starts, and it will proceed until through your next renewal date. To outline, if your trials completes on the 13th of August, and your paid month to month premium begins on the 14th of August, your monthly premium expense provides for you to get Sun Sound Corporation services and benefits until the 13th of September, and after that you will be invoiced on September 14th (which is your date of renewal) for the next monthly period (the 14th of September to the 15th of October). You can cancel this anytime, and you won't be charged. Along these lines, for that same case, on the off chance that you cancel on the 31st of August, you won't get invoiced on the 14th of September, yet you will still have the benefits until the end of the period that you had paid for. To cancel any or all of your arrangement, call 44-808-189-3382 for Canada and the United States, or 1-347-983-7548 for global clients; these numbers are accessible 0AM to 12PM. When you call to drop, you will need to give information to Sun Sound Corporation regarding why you are doing as such.

Disclaimer: Images, articles or videos that exist on the web sometimes come from various sources of other media. Copyright is fully owned by the source. If there is a problem with this matter, you can contact us.
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