How can I cancel Audible membership?

How can I cancel Audible membership?

You can cancel your membership online directly from our desktop site. Memberships cannot be cancelled from the mobile site or through the Audible app. Before you cancel, keep the following in mind:
  • If you currently have credits available on your account, please be sure to use these credits before cancelling. Credits are a membership benefit, so any unused credits will be cancelled along with your membership.
  • Your audiobooks are yours to keep! Even after you cancel, you'll still have access to your entire library and can download and listen to your audiobooks as many times as you'd like.
To cancel your membership:
    1. Go to and sign into your account.
    2. Hover your mouse over "Hi [Your Name]!" and click Account Details.
From the "View membership details" section, click Cancel membership.
  • Follow the on screen instructions.
Video Lesson: After cancelling, a confirmation message will appear and you'll also receive a confirmation email.

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